Sophia Anne Caruso & Adam Dannheisser Chat Lessons Learned From Beetlejuice

Sophia Anne Caruso and Adam Dannheisser chat with Michael Riedel and Christine Nagy during this week's Inside Broadway podcast on the success of Beetlejuice on Broadway and what it's like to put on a show about death every night.

Sophia reveals, "We make a show about death bearable for people to watch while they still learn something. I think that's tricky because you don't want to go to a show that's depressing. I think you get to learn something about grieving and sadness while keeping the show really light... It's interesting I remember the first time my dad saw the show and right before the show I thought 'oh my god my dad's mom died around this time a couple years ago he's probably feeling sensitive.' I remember feeling very nervous to sing it in front of him and he ended up really loving it. At the stage door I get people all the time saying, the story of Lydia and her mom really touched me and I really just loved what you did and and that makes my day. I love going out and hearing those things and knowing that people are coming and feeling things and enjoying it."

How touching! Check out the full Inside Broadway podcast above.

"Beetlejuice is the musical comedy Broadway needs right now. The cast is stacked with Broadway firepower!" -iHeartRadio.

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