On this week's Inside Broadway, Michael Riedel and Christine Nagy chat with CJ Eldred and Kirsten Scott who are staring in Rock of Ages now at New World Stages.
Eldred and Scott talk about their loyal and sometimes overzealous fans.
"A couple nights ago someone was saying the lines right before we said them and I was having this out-of-body experience and I was like wait did I just say the line or did they just say it? There's a hardcore fanbase of RockOF Ages fans who keep coming back! I think a woman last night said she saw it 80 times and she's seen our production five times!"
That's dedication! Later, the cast reveals how they keep their voices healthy during the run of the show. You can now rock with Rock Of Ages through January 12, 2020!
Rock of Ages is celebrating its 10th anniversary by bringing all your favorite songs from the 80s to present day. Get tickets now.