Josh Groban Reveals The Christmas Present He Received That Changed His Life

During our first ever Holiday Lite Show, our good friend Josh Groban revealed the Christmas present that changed his life.

On particular Christmas, Groban recieved a presetn that change the trajectory of his life, "There’s one Christmas gift that stands out more than any… I basically wrote a letter to Santa about getting a drum set in the same poetic furvert that the kid in A Christmas Story wrote about getting a BB gun and how I’ll practice every day and one day I’ll be in a band... it was like 3 pages single spaced. I got that drum set. It’s funny but having an instrument to play every day, it really did mean a lot to me. I dabbled with the piano but the drums to me were therapy. Sitting at the drum set after a long day at school and jamming to my favorite albums… it made everything else okay. I was able to do homework better, it made me relaxed when I was overly anxious. That was an amazing Christmas present and that was the reason I have an arts education foundation now.”

Later in the interview, Groban shares that he has taken up cooking while in quarantine and compares it to making music. Watch his full interview in the player above.

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