Tiana Sheenan, a young woman raised by a single dad, wants to throw some recognition to the other hardworking single dads out there because she saw firsthand how tough it can be. The Facebook page Love What Matters posted a touching tribute from Sheehan to her dad, which she posted after spotting a mother daughter shopping for razors together at a drug store. This instantly reminded her of the first time she shaved her legs, and how her father was the one to teach her after Sheenan's mother died. "I remember coming up to dad and being so embarrassed to ask him for help, but man, did he handle it like a champ," she said. "For a moment, he put his head down; and then he turned the TV off, took me into the bathroom, gave me a new blade on his razor, gave me his shaving cream, and taught me how to shave my legs."
Check out the rest of her touching tribute below!
Sheenan also talked about how single dads don't get the recognition that they deserve, especially when they are playing the role of the dad and mom. So many people commented on Sheehan's post, telling her how touched they were and how they can relate to the situation.