Meet Olive, Hassenfeld Children's Hospital's very own therapy dog! Olive is a 3 year old Shih Tzu mix, rescued by her owner Julia through Tracy's Dogs. She has been a therapy dog for a year!
Julia, Olive's owner, works at the hospital and brings her to visit at least once a week. She is known as the "on call" dog- if there is a patient in need of a dog or a long visit, Olive comes to the rescue. Olive has done some pretty amazing things, one notable accomplishment is that Olive has helped patients walk for the first time after surgery! She helps kids open up and feel more comfortable during their stay at the hospital.
To become a therapy dog, she had to go through extensive training and had to have a calm personality. It is imperative that Olive likes to be around people, as she does, and that she doesn’t get stressed out easily. Olive is a master of obedience. She is able to walk past food on the ground without stopping to eat it and she is not spooked by hospital equipment. We love Olive!
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