You want to eat healthy and local. There are some things you eat now that were unknown 20 years ago! They include:
Tofu: The first American to write about tofu might have beenBenjamin Franklin in 1770, but it took much longer for the soybean-based curd to gain popularity in the U.S. It’s become more mainstream with the rise of vegetarian and veganism, and the market for meat substitutes including tofu is expected toreach $24 billionnet worth by 2022.
Kale: Before kale became a staple in Caesar salads and juice bowls in the early 2010s, the largest consumer of the hearty greenwas Pizza Hut, which was using it as a garnish in their salad bars. From 2007 to 2012, U.S. kale production increased nearly 60%. That leap in kale’s popularity has a lot to do with itssuperfood-worthynutritional profile, which is rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins A, K, and C, as well as the fact that it can be dried into chips for shelf-stable snacking.
Kombucha: It is a fermented tea drink whose Chinese origins date back to around 220 B.C., but it only entered American domestic markets in the mid-90s, when leading brand GT's Kombucha was founded. Thanks to aWhole Foods recallconcerning some brands’ alcohol content in 2010, increased consumer awareness led to a 28% sales increase by June 2011. Despite some overblown claims about its health benefits, the tangy beverage has continued growing in popularity, with 51% of older millennials now drinking it, driving $534 million in sales in 2016.
Nutella: Founded in Italy in 1964, Nutella became a heavily-memed foodie phenomenon in the U.S. around 2009,with sales triplingin the following five years. The chocolate-hazelnut spread had been a staple in Europe for decades and first made it to American markets in 1983, but only began making a mainstream impact thanks to an advertising push by the brand in recent years, manifesting in Nutella-oriented merchandise, social media accounts, and even an unofficial holiday.
Quinoa:A spike in demand for the nutrient-packed grain, grown almost exclusively in South America, was driven by more than a decade ofU.N.-financed developmentof new processing plants raising the grain’s profitability. In 2018, the U.S. alone imported 74.3 million pounds of quinoa.