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> March 2018
If men eat this they will smell more attractive to women!
5 New York City Bottomless Brunch Spots You Have to Try
This was voted the #1 favorite Easter candy!
For men, it's game over if he does this on his dating profile!
When Does Smorgasburg 2018 Open?
65% of people find this rude when it comes to texting!
Here's What We're Giving Away This Week on 106.7 Lite fm
54% of people say this is a turn on, on a date!
March for Our Lives
65% of Us Say it's Not Important to Have One of These in Our Home Anymore..
Guys wear this to feel more powerful & confident!
#DelilahSnowCreations ... After the Storm Get Creative & SHARE!
40% of men don't know what their partner's favorite (blank) is!
Here's What We're Giving Away On-Air This Week
Millennials want to bring back this nostalgic service!
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day
This is a bigger motivator at work than cash!!
This is the number one impulse buy while shopping!
20% of women have asked a man out bc of this!
Producer Jamie With "What's App?"
11% of dog owners will do this for their pets!
Sales of this has dropped by 12% over the past year!
Daylight Saving Time
41% of employees have done this at work...what is it?
60% of women have dumped a guy because he did too much of this!
22% of adults say this is the last thing they do before bed!
33% of people say they can't do this simple, physical task!
92% of women say they wouldn't date a guy who wears this!
Bon Jovi Vino!
Men who can do this are considered more attractive than men who can't
Make Instapot Wine [RECIPE]
PA Church Holds Gun Blessing After Parkland Shooting [VIDEO]
1/2 of women polled say guys with this are sexy!