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> September 2024
Do 1 in 3 parents say they can be nagged into buying things for their kids?
Christmas Lights Out? Let 106.7 Lite FM Be Your Holiday Brightness!
Almost 40% of people add this to our morning coffee...what is it?
Snow Joke: Stuck Inside? Listen to Lite FM for a Festive Christmas Escape!
Only 2% of people have this physical trait in common, what is it?
Experts say that this form of entertainment is really good for your brain
Over 55% of people say they are overwhelmed by having too many of these...
This is the most loved and hated burger topping...what is it?
Over half us say this has changed our lives for the better...what is it?
This superhero will be getting their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Your Top Station for Non-Stop Christmas Music and Holiday Cheer!
The average person does this 3x's a day but should be doing it more...
60% of people said they wish they could eat THIS every day, what is it?
This is the most commonly forgotten item when packing...what is it?
This law enforcement tool dates back to the late 1930’s...what is it?
1/2 of adults had one of these as a kid and 20% say they still have it...
The older you get, you're less likely to do this...what is it?
60% of men say it’s a turn-off when they see a woman do this?
In a job interview, this helps a man and hurts a woman?
40% of people say doing this brings them instant happiness...what is it?
The average employee does this 19 times a week in the office....What is it?